Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Food for Thought

We decided to eat out today at this small place called Smalhans, yeah the name has nothing to do with being small but a little googling and going to the restaurant's website revealed that Smalhans is a derived German word which is now interpreted as 'a bit low on cash'. Low on cash after you've eaten there may be?

Eating out in Norway, especially Oslo will leave you 'low on cash' by quite a bit. The math I did was this, if we'd resist the temptation to eat out say ten times and put away the money in a little piggy bank, we could take that little piggy to an apple store and buy a MacBook Pro.

But in defence of Smalhans I must say that this place was really not very highly priced. Ambience was great and the food was excellent. Simple baked fish with yummy sides, and we were happy. Though I did knock my glass of wine which deprived me of a third of my drink. That should teach me not to drink on a school night.

My five year old though, who also loves to eat out, seemed to have suffered from a sudden loss of appetite, until her plate was taken away (by the server). Then she was all ready to order dessert. Of course!

Post dinner conversation, initiated by my five year old, was around 'how old is the earth'. That reminded me of a video that recently went viral. There was this girl (who was at least 20 years old) telling, rather pleading, people to be good to the earth, since she (the earth) was so old, quote like two thousand and fourteen years old unquote! I'm not sure where she's getting her information from. Also, don't they mention these things in school, at least in passing, if there aren't already huge charts illustrating the earth's timeline.
Recently Neil deGrasse Tyson has been hogging airtime talking about the Cosmos, a lot; you are bound to catch it at least once while browsing channels.
I hope her friends have broken the whole truth about the earth to her. And that there were no dinosaurs present at Jesus's birth.
The thing with technology is, if you're stupid, people will now 'KNOW' you're stupid. This line I read somewhere, and cannot take credit for.

Coming back to the five year old and her very factual questions, luckily for me the husband can produce factual data and retell it in a very 'Mrs.Doubtfire' way, without the cross dressing, then it would turn into a horror show damaging the kid, just a wee bit.
'How long ago did Dinosaurs live on the earth', I am not sure she completely comprehends exactly what the word 'millions' means, but she knows it's larger than thousand.

So there is a sliver of hope that in another 15 years there won't be viral videos, exemplifying non-existent IQ levels, originating from our part of the town (if she hasn't already moved out by then *keeping fingers crossed*).

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