Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Mumbai Attacks: Me too

Not to be left behind what with everyone blogging on the Mumbai terror attacks (is 'terror attack' even an acceptable phrase? Oh sue me, I was not born with an English dictionary down my throat) here I am.
We were having curry at this Indian place when my friend received a text from her father saying that he was alright. She turned to me asked me if there was something going on in Mumbai. I was busy making sure my 'Kheema Pao' reached me and had no idea that while I was stuffing my face terrorists had struck in Mumbai.
That night the BBC were covering the Mumbai attacks. Shots of the Taj Hotel kept appearing on the screen and no one was sure of what had actually happened. All I heard was people were being held hostage, some people were killed and that too at three different locations in Mumbai.
Well, call me thick skinned but after that heavy dinner I went to bed and slept soundly.
When I got to work the next day no one seemed to mention the attack. Thank God for the Internet and live streaming. I got onto CNN IBN for the news and it was shocking.
For three days I was hooked to NDTV and CNN IBN on my computer switching between the two channels to get the latest update.
And if you ask me why was I so hooked and in what way did this whole thing affect me, I wouldn't be able to answer that. The fact that so many people lost their lives and underwent trauma just saddened me, no explanation for that either.
I tried to imagine what would it feel like if I was waiting to board a train and boom! dead or worse dying; or having an exquisite dinner at a five star restaurant and bham! sorry for the inconvenience but you have just been hit by a bomb. It's just horrifying.

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