Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First Blood Boiling

So what's the best thing to do while hubby is hooked on to the telly watching 'First Blood'? Update your blog of course. What a lovely way to spend quality time with the spouse eh, with blood, shooting and screeching tires in the background.
Well, I am not the couch joining hubby watching the flick because, and this is what Santhosh learned about me today, I just can't stand (nor sit) Sylvester Stallone.
Ooh, ads break and the distinct rhythm of channels changing.
Anyway, coming back to Sylvester Stallone (ugh, brrr), I haven't watched any of the Rocky movies or Rambo movies. I don't know what it is about Stallone but my blood boils whenever he's on the telly. Don't you think a wall found him and slammed into him just because it didn't like him either. I also instinctively gave Stallone the finger when I saw him at (relax, you should wait for me to complete the sentence before you gasp and cause yourself premature strokes) Madame Tussuad's.
Actually, there is one movie of Stallone's I have watched, Cliffhanger and probably my extreme abhorrence for him began there. And when whatever hit his face did, it left him with only one expression for comedy, action and romance. Ok, so I am not the best candidate for the Kiss-Me-Stallone club, guilty as charged (wow, that's a phrase I haven't used in a long long time, should remember not to use it ever again, 'Guilty as charged' hehehe)
So since hubby is still glued to Stallone and I think this is the fun part because I can hear a lot of firing, I think I'll go and have another glass of that bad wine. (I'll know how bad it is tomorrow morning, and I didn't expect Sula's red to be this bad really)

1 comment:

  1. I am not a big fan of Stallone, but I like the movie CLIFFHANGER too much re. Seen it many times and will not miss it whenever it is repeated on screen.

    Hmmm... wanting to throw me down the cliff :)


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