Thursday, January 29, 2009

Human and Inhuman Rights

I am all for human rights, but does 'human rights' apply to people who are the most inhuman?
Muthalik was handed over to the Mangalore police after being granted bail by the Davangere police. And then the he says that he cannot travel because he 'was tired'. I say, human and fundamental rights apart, which he didn't care for while carrying out his various operations, he should have been given the same treatment that he has bestowed upon others and forcefully been taken to Mangalore.
This brings us to another questionable and known fact, 'how powerful are the Indian police?'. No doubt, when it comes to common people like us, they impose their power and even if you are right you have to concede defeat.
So why are political goons given V.I.P treatment? A person who violates another person's rights should be revoked and stripped of all his rights, then and there.
This incident has now made International news. And seeing the place of my hometown being on news for a reason like does not make me proud. We have the SRS to thank for this. Clearly with this incident they are 'going international' too.
It is a known fact that these political goons are given the best treatment in jails. It is probably second home for them and are, I guess, relatively safer. They can run their operations from jail; molesting, murdering and spreading a state of 'war' and there's no one to stop them.
While people are debating whether Kasab should be hanged or not, there are Indian militants within our cities and towns making life hell for us. The violation on human rights has been committed by both these people. Don't they both deserve a similar sentence then?

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