Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Touch of Magic

As I reminiscence my childhood days, a dreamy smile crosses my face. A voracious reader, I found solace in the books that I read. Not that I shunned the world around me, but basically I was a dreamer and I would love to get lost in the magical worlds woven by writers.
Enid Blyton’s books always fascinated me, and they still do.
The naughty children, the kinder ones, the elves, pixies fairies and the gnomes; all seemed so real, something that I had to find and go after.
I would sometimes wander about in my garden in the evening hoping to meet a little pixie who would take me to his magical land. At times in the night I would wonder if my toys had come alive and were perhaps having a party. I anticipated the day that a fairy would suddenly appear in my room, beautiful and bright, with lovely wings and a fine shiny blue dress, and take me away to meet the little magical folk or perhaps to the fairy ball.
I would always make a conscious effort to do at least one good deed a day, lest the Fairy Godmother was watching over me; and if she was pleased she would come and bless me with her starry wand. If I’d been particularly naughty on any day, my guilty conscience would tell me that I was the one who drove the pixies and fairies away from me.
While on a picnic or a stroll in the park, my heart hoped to find the Enchanted Woods or discover the Magic Tree that was inhabited by magic folk. If not that, the hunt for the four-leaved clover was unfruitful yet endless; I wanted those wishes to come true.
My chair in the study never grew wings and I wondered if I could get hold of a brownie to rub some magic potion on it, so that it could take me to the wonderful magical lands that I wished for; Chocolate Land or The Land of Candies; where I could pick up candy flowers on the pathway, treat myself to some yummy chocolate sauce which flowed as a little stream.
As I advanced to being a teenager these magical things were all locked up and shut, never to be opened again. But I was wrong; as I write about it now, I still do wish I could be with these magic folk.
And one day I do hope my chair grows wings so that I can be off to a wonderful land never to be back again.

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