Friday, January 25, 2013

Spring Cleaning

So two days ago I decided to do a little bit of spring cleaning. Well it's not spring yet, it's just that I decided to spring right off the couch, in what seemed like months, and decided to clean. Hey I clean my house, superficially, whatever meets the eye and my damned allergies. You can't lie to your allergies, they know when you haven't got the vacuum cleaner running for a while. Also, the couch doesn't lie, talk about truth fairies. That deep imprint in one of the cushions, what I like to call the warm spot, is going to stay a while; you can say the couch is now probably scarred for life.

I was actually missing a few things, like my old phone; which I am keeping alive (barely) only because it has all my contacts on it; and I haven't managed (that means too lazy) to transfer them to my new phone. Ah my new phone, touch screen and all. If you've been an owner of a touch screen phone for a while now don't feel bad for me, my phone is new (that means better), so let me enjoy the sweet taste of technology.
But my old phone is the damned epitome of 'superhero can't die'. Fallen down the stairs, on the road, flung against the wall, which now has a dent, and in a pot of boiling water (don't try it, that's a sure shot way of killing your phone); also the last bit didn't happen to my phone I just added it for dramatic effect. But you get the picture, the incredible hulk of phones, only blue.

Like I was saying, my incredible hulk phone was missing. If you're thinking, I could've just called it and found out, wrong answer. There was no SIM in it and so untraceable. Among other things I was missing writing instruments too. I don't know if it has happened to you, but no matter how many pens and pencils we bring into the house they always, I mean always go missing. Do the elves now need them for their paperwork? Or is there another fairy for these things, who's just taking them and not leaving us any change.
Also, Kicky has been asking me for a week now, "Mama, where is my lemon? Have you seen my lemon?" Apparently she wanted to cook it for me, in her kitchen, yum. Of course its plastic, I am not eating cooked lemons for dessert.

Now if you have so many things missing and a 3 year old's incessant questions about her lemon, something needs to be done. Best place to look, in and under the couch. I moved the couch first, with my bare hands and feeling a bit like Mr.Incredible, and well what do you know. There was my phone, still charged and working; I mean I could view my contacts and set it up as a timer for when I'm baking, old phone = new kitchen timer. Along with it I found, Kicky's lemon, a little dusty but with one good wipe was good to go into the pot. There was also a very dry ball of blue fondant, which was now definitely past its expiration date and not on my list of missing things. Once the dust bunnies under the couch were exterminated, it was time to look into the couch. It's probably a bit like a prostrate exam, which I have just heard about btw, you strip the couch naked and poke and prod the insides till you find something. And yes, I did find pens, pencils, change (there must be fairy after all), crayons, hair clips (which also always go missing in our house) and dried fruits and nuts (something was having a party in there).

After cleaning and solving the case of the missing things (talk about two birds), it was time to get back on to the couch. The cushions switched places, so I could sit where I always sit, do what I always do and also give the underused cushion a "face lift", now that's ironic.

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