Sunday, January 20, 2013

And Another Resurrection

This blog could start a whole new religion at the rate it keeps being resurrected. Oh, I am allowed to say things like that. I have braved Sunday masses, dissected conspiratorial sermons and endured so called charismatic retreats, the ones where people start talking (read insanely babbling) in spiritual tongues.

So my attempt to start a food blog was not very successful; that means I have been too lazy to write, but I will call it lack of inspiration. I still cook though, I have to, I have a family to feed i.e my husband and toddler. The latter though will hardly touch anything I bake and most Indian food gets a suspicious look and a condescending sniff; sometimes it comes with a "What is that?" asked with a crinkled nose. But meat is devoured devoutly whatever the cuisine.

The last time I was here, I was telling you about my wonderful pregnant adventure. It's been 3 years since I was last pregnant, and no, I don't miss being in that state. In fact, I was supposed to write about the whole baby being born thing and I will. But if you are pregnant or planning to have a baby, I suggest you don't put it on your reading list. I do not fall into the category of women who has forgotten the birthing ordeal or who believes in the divine miracle that is birth. In a way it is a miracle, but far from being divine. If my husband was strong enough to be in the birthing room with a video camera I am sure some of the scenes would be reminiscent of The Exorcist, complete with the spitting and swearing and the rest of the gooey stuff.

And here are some facts for the record, even though my facebook page tells my life story:
1. Kicky is now 3 and going to school - I know she was just a baby when you last saw her.
2. Kicky is Innika, and if I haven't yet told you the story of why we call her that, I'll just post it as an entry on this blog.
3. I am yet to shed the weight I put on during my childbearing months, all 20 kilos of it.
4. We moved, yet again; but countries this time. We have been in Oslo for about a year now and have learnt to enjoy ourselves at -15 degrees.
5. Also 22 degrees is now hot, not warm, hot.
6. I watched 3 Bollywood movies in the cinema in 2012 in Oslo; an all time high over the past 10 years. People change.
7. Ek Tha Tiger was on that list of movies; no, I didn't have a lobotomy.
8. Resurrecting this blog was not a new year's resolution. I don't remember the last time I made a new year's resolution, and I haven't resolved not to make new year's resolutions.

I think that's quite enough facts, any more and I am going to sound like a self indulgent female canine; but isn't that the whole point of blogs. Until next time, ta!

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