Monday, March 21, 2011

The Resurrection

Resurrection is not a myth after all. Two years ago I think the writer died while the lunatic has been getting loonier and the bibliophile has stayed true and now has a groaning bookshelf.
So what happened to the writer in the past two years?
A brief history:
1. Lost 17 kilos with a lot of determination and sacrifice; no food, no booze.
2. Got knocked up; there is no such thing as a safe period
3. Gained 20 kilos; that was the effect of the pregnancy, though the baby was just under 3 kilos, the rest was just me.
4. Had a baby; a gorgeous little girl who is living up to her alter ego 'the little monster'
5. Quit my job; said bye bye to the corporate world which I used to complain about anyway but to be honest had an empty feeling inside for quite a while after that.
6. Finally resigned to the fact that I am now a housewife; though I can't say it, the word 'housewife' gets stuck in my throat. So when people ask me what I do I say "Well I 'just' quit my job"; 'Just' has now been almost a year.
7. Moved houses; (not our own, clarifying because everyone keeps asking me that)Moved to Electronics City in Bangalore which believe me is anything but a city, the postal address is Doddathogur Village, so yeah we have moved to a village. You can actually see butterflies around here and sometimes hear a pin drop. Occasionally the silence can drive you crazy.
8. Took on a new job as Full Time Maid with no pay; and someone will have to really list down the benefits for me. If another person says 'the joy of watching your child grow' I will run after them with my rolling pin and beat them to death.
9. Joined a Yoga Class; in the hope that I will shed the 20 kilos that I piled on during pregnancy I now spend and hour in the morning discovering muscles that I didn't know existed; contorting my body into unimaginable postures.

That was in short the writer's life in the past two years. Hope to keep writing more often now. So until the next time, ta ta.

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